Isabel Dyson My children My Africa

By Mbali · May 9, 2024

Isabel Dyson

Isabel  Dyson is  an  18  year  old  Isabel is a bright but naïve white student who attends a segregated all-white school for girls and lives comfortably in an all-white neighborhood with her family. She  debates  against  Thami  at  Zolile  High  and realises  that  there  is  so  much  about  South  Africa  that  she  does  not  know.  She  is  smart,  welcoming  and  easily adapts in all situations. She is, however, a non-racist. Important aspects to her character to be aware of are:
• She is a critical thinker and an intellectual  - she is intelligent, brave and strong. 
• She is sheltered and naïve.  She does not know much about Black people and the political realities of    apartheid.  Though  she  hates  losing,  she  is  the  “outsider  that  was  being  asked  to  prove  herself.”  Stepping  up to  the  challenge,  Isabel  becomes  very  comfortable  as  she  becomes  involved  in  the  school  debate  in  Brakwater. A  very  witty  young  woman,  Isabel  comes  to  face  reality  of  South  Africa  through  her  connections  to  Thami  and Mr. M. 
•  She  is  a  caring  person  -  She  is  friendly,  sympathetic  and  warm.  She  generally  treats  people  with  respect and  is  not  afraid  to  stand  up  to  her  parents  who  are  nervous  about  her  spending  time  with  Black  people.  She is more open with both of them than they can be with each other. She speaks her mind. She  warms  up  to  the  Black  folks  and  she  ‘develops  a  friendship  with  him  (Thami)  and  comes  between  teacher and  student,  both  of  whom  she  respects,  when  they  enter  into  conflict  with  each  other  over  how  to  deal  with the political reaction to apartheid.’


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